Hummus Two Ways

This is a post from my old blog circa 2014 but I still love hummus, so I’ll include it below - complete with amazing iPhone 5 photography.

Greetings! It's high time I provided you with a recipe, and today I'm sharing one (technically two) that I make all the time. Hummus is super easy and inexpensive to make! I had some for breakfast this morning because WHY NOT? I usually whip together a plain one (it's pretty lemony, so if you're not into that then reduce the lemon juice by half) and a chipotle variety because I <3 spicy.

Yes, I prepared this for a Halloween party, and I’m also genuinely confused by eggplant in the background.

Yes, I prepared this for a Halloween party, and I’m also genuinely confused by eggplant in the background.

First things first - find a decent food processor or blender and a spatula! Assemble your ingredients as follows.

Plain Hummus

1 garlic clove (add another clove for Garlic Hummus)

2 cans garbanzo beans, drained

1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt

1/3 cup tahini (sesame paste)

6 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice (approx. 2 lemons)

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

Hot sauce to taste (optional, but I like Crystal in this case)


1. Place the garlic into your food processor and blend until finely minced (it's important to process the garlic alone so there aren't giant chunks of garlic in your hummus).

2. Add beans, salt, tahini and lemon juice and process/blend for a few minutes so it becomes really smooth.

3. During your last minute of blending, pour in olive oil through the spout at the top

4. Taste your creation! If it's missing anything (salt, more lemon), add at this point and then blend for another minute or so...


Chipotle Hummus

The only difference here is to blend 1-2 chipotle peppers in adobo with the garlic (blend the peppers and garlic really well) and reduce the lemon juice to 3 tablespoons.


Happy Hummusing!


Pear & Gorgonzola Salad with Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette


2016 Portland Hot Sauce Expo